Travelling with kids is probably my favourite thing to do in the world. Favourite, yes. Relaxing? Nuh uh. Battling with car seats, avoiding rabies-ridden dogs and in fact, just getting everyone fed, dressed, sun creamed up and out of a room can be tricky as any parents reading this will know. Which is why when an opportunity to travel *alone* to the Greek island of Paxos arose, Sam and I turned to each other all those 18 months ago when we started planning this trip and committed to each other that we should make this happen. We are fortunate in that we have fantastic grandparents who live locally and who were able to divide up looking after the children – although it was a vague military operation to organise it all (and read on to the end of this post to find out how I’m feeling about it all now…). We are also so grateful to the lovely folk at Paxos Beach Hotelย for putting us up and allowing us to really relax for the first time on holiday in a long time. And so it was, four nights, in the sun, kid free that we embarked upon a real, actual, proper h-o-l-i-d-a-y…

Getting the boat across from Corfu to Paxos

The sea is actually this colour

We took a mini boat trip to Antipaxos with Sam driving the boat and me working hard on admiring the view

Greek salad heaven

Gorgeous flowers everywhere you turn in Paxos

The swimming pool looks right onto the beach

Room with a view

Paxos Beach Hotel is somewhere I would return to in a heartbeat with the kids as the set up is perfect for families who want some ‘facilities’ but don’t want to be in an all-singing all-dancing (quite literally) resort: there is a kids room full of toys, swimming pool, direct access to the sea, and a restaurant serving 3 meals a day and yet it is small enough to still feel sort of ’boutiquey’ (totally a word).
So we truly had an amazing time; it just felt such a novelty to do simple things such as wake up when we wanted to, get in and out of a car in a flash, eat a full meal with no one else to worry about and most of all, just spend time with each other. That said, the mum guilt has been bubbling away under the surface since we returned probably because I know that leaving your children for 4 nights is a big ask and I know that it was hard work for the grandparents! So my question is: have you ever left your kids to go on holiday? If so, how long for and who looked after them? What are your thoughts on it?
Thank you for taking the time to read this post as ever and do pop me a comment in the box below – I love hearing from you. ๐
Emma xx
So nice for you to have a weekend together, mama guilt is a bitch, but you totally deserve some alone time with Sam.
We have a wedding (that I am bridesmaid for) this summer and will be away from the children for 3 days, we, like you are super lucky to have two sets of Grandparents close by that love to have them, and help us out so much with work etc. I went on said weddings hen do last month (leaving minis at home with Daddy – hilarious weekend antics isn’t in it ๐ and of course I missed them dearly, but actually, after not leaving their side for that amount of time in three years, it felt wonderful to be ‘me’ for a couple of lovely days, and as mentioned, leave the door in less than 5 minutes flat and actually lie in! And it did my relationship a world of good too (even if only for a few weeks once all was forgotten) as my OH realised how hard it can be taking care of two alone x x x
hey ! ah the mama guilt – ever present hey! the hen sounds like you really enjoyed (and needed it) so it’s great you went and will be the same for the wedding – and even better as you’ll have your OH by your side i am thinking. have a lovey weekend and thanks for reading !xx
I honestly think Mama guilt is the worst thing of being a modern day parent. A happy mummy and daddy = happy kids and I think if you’re lucky enough to have grandparents close by, that’s a really precious thing for your children to have.
mama guilt is horrible isn’t it !! you are right re the grandparents, thank you for reading and for taking the time to comment. happy monday laura xxx
I’m not a parent, but growing up, I used to go and stay with my nana and grandad for two weeks in the Summer with my brother and one of my cousins, and for a week during Easter or half term. My parents didn’t go away for those periods until we were older, but I think it did my mum a world of good to have that break. And without fail, I’d get a phone call in the morning and in the evening, until I was 10, when it went down to just a single phone call in the evening. But I had some of the best memories with my grandparents and my cousin because of it and it helped me so much with being used to being away from my parents for extended periods!
I think you did an incredible thing, and I don’t think you should feel guilty at all! A happy, relaxed parent, is a great one!
Absolutely fallen in love with your blog xx
ah thank you for your (reassuring) comment, it’s lovely to hear that you had that experience staying away from your parents and how much you enjoyed it AND appreciated the good that it did your parents. xxx p.s thanks so much for your kind comment re my blog too <3
We’ve never had a single night away from the children in nineteen years! We don’t have babysitters on hand but even if we did, I know I would miss them too much. Don’t get me wrong, I can see the benefits of just getting away as a couple and I’m sure you had a ball. But personally I can’t imagine holidaying without my children. They’re little for such a short time in the grand scheme of things. We have wonderful memories of holidays pre children and before we know it, they will be all grown up and it will be our time for couples holidays again in no time.
i totally hear you Lara, and this is honestly where i stand on this ‘issue.’ they are small for such a small amount of time, you are so right, and holidays are such precious times where memories really are made. thanks for reading and for your comment xx